Discover our best in class booking
Mirai Booking Engine
A modern look&feel combined with the simplest and user-oriented functionality to optimise your conversion rate and clients’ satisfaction. Discover how it looks both in desktop and in mobile.
Business Intelligence
We have worked on the best and most comprehensive reporting and dashboard solution: Mirai BI.
Business Intelligence
We have worked on the best and most comprehensive reporting and dashboard solution: Mirai BI.
Business Intelligence
We have worked on the best and most comprehensive reporting and dashboard solution: Mirai BI.
Business Intelligence
We have worked on the best and most comprehensive reporting and dashboard solution: Mirai BI.
Business Intelligence
We have worked on the best and most comprehensive reporting and dashboard solution: Mirai BI.
Business Intelligence
We have worked on the best and most comprehensive reporting and dashboard solution: Mirai BI.
Business Intelligence
We have worked on the best and most comprehensive reporting and dashboard solution: Mirai BI.
Business Intelligence
We have worked on the best and most comprehensive reporting and dashboard solution: Mirai BI.
Business Intelligence
We have worked on the best and most comprehensive reporting and dashboard solution: Mirai BI.
Business Intelligence
We have worked on the best and most comprehensive reporting and dashboard solution: Mirai BI.
We have worked on the best and most
comprehensive reporting and
dashboard solution: Mirai BI.
Business Intelligence
We have worked on the best and most comprehensive reporting and dashboard solution: Mirai BI.
Business Intelligence
We have worked on the best and most comprehensive reporting and dashboard solution: Mirai BI.
Business Intelligence
We have worked on the best and most comprehensive reporting and dashboard solution: Mirai BI.
Business Intelligence
We have worked on the best and most comprehensive reporting and dashboard solution: Mirai BI.
Business Intelligence
We have worked on the best and most comprehensive reporting and dashboard solution: Mirai BI.
Business Intelligence
This variety of options does not translate into a bigger complexity for the user. For example – we don’t show suitable offers if there are better ones available; if an offer is not available every day of a query, it is completed with another offer, which allows for a lower price (rate mixing).
Intelligent for the user
Offers and packages
Mirai’s system of offers and packages is the backbone of our reservation engine. For this reason, we offer infinite configuration options: price calculation, conditions, appealing visibility or flexibility. We allow so much content to be available, that you will have a whole range of offers at your disposal for your website.
UPSELLING: System of extras Our powerful system of extras allows you to increase the average booking value and offer your clients a unique value proposition. You will also increase the monetisation of your clients with our fully automated upselling system that allows your clients to upgrade their roomtype improving their experience and satisfaction.
CROSSELLING: Complete your offer
Benefit from synergies and offer external service extras. Transfers, excursions, experiences, bike rental… You can also receive/send reservations to and from other associated hotels when there is no availability.
Business Intelligence
We have worked on the best and most comprehensive reporting and dashboard solution: Mirai BI.
Business Intelligence
We have worked on the best and most comprehensive reporting and dashboard solution: Mirai BI.
Business Intelligence
We have worked on the best and most comprehensive reporting and dashboard solution: Mirai BI.
Take charge of your bottom line
Find out how BookOnlineNow can take your Direct Bookings and Online Sales Strategy to the next level.
Europe – Greece (Headquarters):
Address : 124 Ionias ave, Alimos,GR 17456, Athens,Greece
Phone: +30 210 9920411
Address : Kemankeş Karamustafapaşa Mah. Tophane İskele Cad. No:12/49-50-51, Beyoğlu/İstanbul, Turkey
Phone : +90 850 885 00 28
Czech Republic:
Address : CITY TOWER – Hvězdova 1716/2b, 140 78 Praha 4, Czech Republic
Phone : +420 734 445 530
Latin America:
Address: Olga Di Giorgio Geracci 40, Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Phone: +55 19 3342 4247
Address: 36 Heliopolis Gardens, Sheraton, El-Nozha, Cairo, Egypt
Phone: +20 1030 240 204
Address: 46, Akad. Stefan Mladenov Str., fl. 4, office 11A, 1700 Sofia, Bulgaria
Phone: +359 888 599 075 +359 895 588 802
All Rights Reserved by BookOnlineNow Private Company. Member of Epsilon Net Group of Companies